Visual artist who creates virtual worlds in autonomous research projects.
autonomous ✹ De Toverspiegel ✹ The Wandering Womb ✹ Hystera ✹ Alt Realities
collaborative productions ✶ El Aleph ✶ Pandora's Box

*more is coming very soon*
womb womb womb womb womb

“The Wandering Womb is an animated three-dimensional virtual reality world that explores world-making ideas. The viewer becomes the protagonist on a moving image journey through creation narratives and rendered theoretical physics.

“In the opening sequence, the viewer is positioned to take up a God’s-eye view of an emerging planetary sphere, a sandy globe with clouds and rock formations slowly spinning into existence. The viewer descends to inhabit the world from an ant’s-eye view, and the sky is screened by a thicket of grass. A philosophical question of perspective frames this scene: is reality to be comprehended as a whole, or through human consciousness?

“Pausing for a moment to consider the ant, we then fall into one of its eyes, travelling fast and as if through a wormhole or a model of a multiverse theory. Creature images, perhaps fragments of creation narratives, pass by. We spiral onwards towards a cosmic centre — a rendered womb/cave and microcosm/macrocosm reflection.

“The viewer’s virtual journey then settles within an earth-like cave. We are placed in front of a small crackling fire; light flickers on the dusty floor and rough-hewn walls. A cut-out relief, perhaps another model of the universe, comes into shadowy view. This seems like Plato’s cave and we are left again with a philosophical question on the nature of interpretation versus reality.”

   — Joanna Osborne in Otago Daily Times

womb womb womb womb

ECHT (2024)

Hoe weet je nog wat echt is in deze tijden van fake news, complotdenken en artificiële intelligentie? Zijn er meerdere waarheden? Bestaat er wel zoiets als dé realiteit?

De musicerende theatermakers van Susies Haarlok, videokunstenaars Noemi Biro en Pleun Gremmen en ontwerper John Van Oostrum groeven zich in als dassen, dwaalden door quantumvelden, dompelden zich onder in complotten en lieten zich naaien door cybercriminelen.

Geïnspireerd door wetenschappers van Rijksmuseum Boerhaave componeerden ze een muzikale theatertrip waaraan je je helemaal overgeeft; waarin je je het ene moment verplaatst in het perspectief van vleermuizen en walvissen, dan weer een aanhanger van de reptielen-complottheorie hoort zingen, gevolgd door een onnavolgbare spoken-word over hoe iets tegelijk 0 én 1 kan zijn. Dit alles in een levende video-installatie (Noemi Biro en Pleun Gremmen) waarin deep fakes samenvloeien met door de ruimte afgeschoten elementaire deeltjes.

*Foto's door Isabelle Renate

"De projecties op de wand van kartonnen dozen, ontworpen door Noemi Biro en Pleun Gremmen, worden steeds spectaculairder, en die gaan wél een verband aan met de muziek." – De Theaterkrant

UDIV&IDNI (2023)

UDIV & IDNI is a visually charged trip with room for experimentation and interpretation. The performance mixes elements, tendencies and experiences from our living world in a speculative universe with fiction, movement, light, costumes, Sound, scenography and video mapping. Fokovisme challenges the audience to question and take a look at transhumanism that seeks to push the boundaries of the universe and one’s own life.
concept, regie Fokovisme / Ramos Sama & Younes van den Broeck aka Spitler performers David Kinkela aka Rabba Dance & Wennah Wilkers Video & sfx Gertjan Biasino world-building, animation Pleun Gremmen dramaturgy Shailesh Bahoran 3D modeling for 3D print costume Thomas De Brabanter artistic advice Nicole Geertruida, Melih Gencboyaci & Mathieu Charles lichtdesign & tech Wim Van Eester sound design & soundscapes Redouan Haouhaou & Aram Abgaryan costume Younes van den Broeck aka Spitler & Seraphine Boyeleba Balehen documentation & trailer Nneka Odigwa Gomez photos Malkia Mutiri Executive producer Anaku i.s.m. Fokovisme Coproduction Productiehuis Theater Rotterdam, Vlaams cultuurhuis de Brakke Grond, deSingel with support of Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government Via Cronos Invest & Act, Art Climate And Transition – Creative Europe Project thanks to Rataplan, Fameus, Destelheide, Antisttatic &

A Garden of Heavenly Delight (2022)


“Beneath the terrifying images that theater maker Luit Bakker creates with virtual artist Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró, there is a deeply hidden reality of hatred and intolerance against everything that is queer. Together with director Lotte Bos, they emphasize parts of the world we live in. Luit takes us to three different worlds that are created physically and digitally. Propelled by deep beats, you travel through dark worlds and infinite possibilities. In this way you start looking for what the future should be.”

   — promo text (translated from Dutch)

“Thanks to the unpredictable twists and turns and the alienating digital worlds of Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró that serve as a backdrop, A garden of heavenly delights offers the synthesis between celebration and mourning that Van Saarloos has in mind.”

   — NRC (translated from Dutch)

“The motion capture that is used gives Luit the ability to transform, which provides the solo with a colorful range of characters. The imaginative worldview resonates with the futurism of the virtual scenography. And therefore it seems inevitable that this performance was created with exactly this technology.”

   — theaterkrant (translated from Dutch)

“Bold and witty, this sensual demon, feminine octopus woman, who utters annoying millennial language (“I feel superblessed”) and worships her womb. Lavering among her colourful characters, cleverly created by virtual artists Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró, you gradually begin to wonder what Bakker wants to tell us next. Then she begins an anecdote about a party in a new housing development, where a feeling of loneliness overcomes her, the only lesbian.”

   — Volkskrant (translated from Dutch)
concept, actor Luit Bakker virtual world-building, projection Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró direction Lotte Bos Sound design Tjalling Schrik PR images Pleun Gremmen production Likeminds technical mastermind Keez Duyvis Dramaturgy Liet Lenshoek

Forever K-Hole (2019)

concept, writing, performance Edan Azulay en Didi Kreike direction Lynn Schutter visuals Pleun Gremmen producer Likeminds

R3LN4CHT (2024)

*information coming soon*

Mannish (2020, 2021)

concept, writer, performer Steff Geelen performer Evalinde Lammers guidance text Martijn de Rijk direction Eva Line de Boer visuals Pleun Gremmen producer Likeminds

Portal Park (2023)
MAMA Rotterdam


“‘Welcome Back to Portal Park’ was a virtual residency organised by Maria Mombers and MaMA Rotterdam. From August 7 till August 27 2023 a group of 9 artists, content creators and researchers with an interest in internet culture had access to a virtual studio space in Mozilla hubs in which they worked individually on a project which is now on show in the virtual Portal Park exhibition.

In talks held by the program touched upon topics like algorithms, Artificial intelligence, Online Identity and Virtual World Building. Log in to Mozilla Hubs to watch the virtual exhibition, presented in a world build by Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró.”

   — MAMA Rotterdam
organization Maria Mombers and MaMA Rotterdam virtual exhibition, world-building Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró talks Lukas Völp, Nikola Scheibe, Abdo Hassan, Trevor Mcfedries, Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró digital residents Alexander Schmidt, Ezgi Aktug, Famke Immelmann, Franco Mamaril, Kexin Hong, Marina Prada Ramos, Ringailė Demšytė, Sabrina Lumer and Tosca Valentijn Hamel after movie Rogier Mulder and Peter Marcus graphic design Studio Appartement funding Stimulerings Fonds Creatieve Industrie, Mondriaan Fonds, Elize Mathilde fonds, Nieuwe Instituut and Gemeente Rotterdam

Rainbows End (2021)

curated by Zaiba Jabbar founder of HERVISIONS and Fabian van Sluijs of CCU world-building, virtual exhibition Pleun Gremmen and Noémi Biró PR visuals Pleun Gremmen participating artists, online exhibition DAdham Faramawy, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, MengXuan Sun, Carla Gannis, Filter Gallery with filters by: Anne Horel, Teresa Fogolari, Isabelle Udo, Cibelle Cavalli Bastos, Anna Engelhardt, Medina Bazargali, Colin Keays, Isaac Kariuki & SL Comms, Rosa Menkman, Winnie Soon, Jolie van Wijngaarden, Tokini Fubara, Legacy Russell, and Ali Eslami & Mamali Shafahi participating artists, pop-up exhibition Adham Faramawy, Carla Gannis, Danielle Brathwaite-Shirley, Legacy Russell, Lisa Mantel, MengXuan Sun, Rosa Menkman, and Winnie Soon funding Gemeente Utrecht, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Mondriaan Fonds, VSBFonds, Stichting Elise Mathilde Fonds, Stichting Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds, and Pictoright Fonds

MonsterCode (2022)
1 of the 6 artists who created a monster for the expo GARDENING Amelisweerd by Creative Coding Utrecht
MonsterCode was initiated by Theun Karelse and Sjef van Gaalen


R.E.S.T. (2017)


R.E.S.T. (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy) is a multidisciplinary installation where online tendencies of escapism find expressions in commodified rest. This project was created as The Love Imams for WORM Rotterdam by Kolijn Jagersma and Pleun Gremmen.

~ R.E.S.T. at The New State 01/01/17, WORM Rotterdam
~ R.E.S.T. at Museumnacht 04/03/17, UBIK Rotterdam
~ R.E.S.T. at MONO, 1 year anniversary 07/04/17, Rotterdam
concept, media Pleun Gremmen production, theatermaker, installation Kolijn Jagersma audio BÄSN (Sjoerd van Kampen) costumes TERROR KITTENS production manager Britt van Niedek documentation Nao Sakamoto performers Kolijn Jagersma, Roos Sparreboom, Dieuwke Jagersma, Bente Vonk, Tijl Orlando Frijns, Alexander Brouwer, Pleun Gremmen thanks to David van der Wees (Toneelschool Rotterdam), Charlien Adriaenssens (WORM Rotterdam), Wilco (technician), Hugo (technician), Max Franklin.

A Travelguide to the Open City (2018)

Performance Bar (2020)

WORM events (2018), PR

Hacktalk (2017-2022)
Live talkshow visuals for hackers-community in the Netherlands, WORM Rotterdam

“Hack Talk is een podium waar we het brede publiek laten zien dat hackers heel aardige mensen kunnen zijn en aan hackers laten zien dat gewone mensen ook interessant kunnen zijn. We praten over het maken en breken van informatietechnologie, kritisch op wat misgaat en aandacht voor wat wel goed gaat. Op z’n Rotterdams, oftewel niet lullen maar patchen.

“Hack Talk wordt georganiseerd door DIVD, het Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure, waar hackers als vrijwilligers het hele internet scannen op kwetsbaarheden en die melden bij degenen die het kunnen fixen. Presentator van Hack Talk is DIVD directeur Chris van ’t Hof. VJ Pleun Gremmen verzorgt de beelden en diverse artiesten de muziek. Locatie is Club Worm, het Rotterdamse Instituut voor avantgardistische recreatie. Zij doen de techniek, muziek, beelden, inschrijving en werving van performers. We werken samen met de hacker community om onderwerpen, demo’s, acts en andere leuke dingen op het podium te krijgen.” –

Roadmap to Equality of the Arts (2020)
Graphic design identity and conference visuals

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RoadmaptoEquality RoadmaptoEquality

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Kontra #2 (2019)
PR for event at Roodkapje Rotterdam

Kontra Kontra

(IN)VISIBILITIES Gender and Photography in the Netherlands (2022)
Graphic design PR and conference

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curated by Delphine Bedel and Daria Tuminas visual identity Pleun Gremmen sonic meditations Femke Dekker production Delphine Bedel, Daria Tuminas, Olga Verbeek, en het productieteam van FOTODOK with support of the city Utrecht and the Mondriaan Fonds date 6 – 8 may 2022

Big Brother Awards (2016)
Bits of Freedom
Graphic design PR, event and award


Master Experimental Publishing, Open Day Posters (2016-2021)
Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam


Website for for the Valiz Atennae Series
During graduation at Graphic Design, ArtEZ Arnhem (2014)
In collaboration with Stan de Natris

Valiz Valiz

IABR 2014 Urban by Nature
Infographics for International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
During an internship at Catalogtree (2013)


Butterfly Book(2024)

*Performance outfit created for the performance Butterfly Book, by Da Hye Yang. More info soon*


*3D objects for the project Mbombo, created by Sondi. More info soon*

Collapsed Mythologies (2021)
Eline Benjaminsen
3D renders and a video for an exhibition in the CNA Centre national de l'audiovisuel, Luxembourg


Portfolio website (2020)
Website design and code, with PHP from Joris Albeda.


SINDS 1634 (2021)
Serana Angelista
Video for the group-exhibition "Gouden Koets" in the Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Heliosphere (2020)
Videoclip in collaboration with Lot van Teylingen

Verkeerde Venster(2018)
Performance in collaboration with Ko de Kok
Cultuurnacht Breda at Brandpunt

The multidisciplinary practice of Pleun Gremmen uses a toolbox consisting of 3D rendering, virtual world building, graphic design (web and print), performance and installation. Contact at info[at] and visit on a desktop for more projects.

The Wandering Womb, 2023
in collaboration with Menahem Wrona
womb — May 15 - July 23 2023: Dunedin Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand
— February 9-12 2023: Prospects, Art Rotterdam, Van Nelle Fabriek, The Netherlands